
Τετάρτη 25 Νοεμβρίου 2009

Την έριξα και αυτήν...

am a young single girl never married seeking true love for a long term relationship with marriage potentials,i am happy to contact you after going through your profile in ( blogs.sync.gr ) which got my interest! i -will love us to be good friends or a lot more,you can contact me through mail so that i will send you my photos,till i hear from you,bye and kisses!

Και απαντώ:
Hi, my name is Konstantinos.
I like the aggresive women. I think that you are very aggresive.
I thought that i will never find a woman like you. I'm always unlucky, fuck my luckyness fuck.
I'm waiting you to send me a photo. I think that you are fuck the women. I'm fuck the guys to.
I'm waiting for a reply.

See you,
Konstantinos Karamanlis

4 σχόλια:

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